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"My baby was stolen and I want her back."RESPONSE FROM CARLINE VANDENELSEN TO Michael Lightstone's (Staff Reporter at the Halifax Herald) article titled:
"Child protection system comes under scrutiny" on May 22, 2005.
Either the media has misinformed the public, once again or Rollie Thompson has misinformed the media.And I'm not surprised that it would be both.
First things first. 700 child protection cases a year? Try 700 a month, and that would be an underestimate. Devonshire Family Court in Halifax- 4-5 days a week, 4-5 court rooms, 15 minute hearings, morning and afternoon sessions. The parking lot is full, the fancyest cars belonging to the lawyers. half are child welfare cases.
If only 30 cases involve children being taken into protective custody, as Mr. Thompson would so boldly suggest how is it then that foster care continues in crises, that the Department of Community Services and the Foster Care Agency for Canada advertises regularly, looking for anyone to warehouse children seized by the authorities? Local motels also take in children apprehended, unilaterally taken from their parents, many taken from their schools or daycare. And could there be any other reason why taxpayers are "buying into" state group homes for children, once again seized by child welfare agents?
Mr. Thompson suggests that there might be 14 situations in which a child requires protection. If this figure is accurate, then this makes the child welfare business all the more critical and disturbing as thousands of children are deemed "in need of protection”, with figures rising. And we would call ourselves a progressive society?
I'm not surprised Mr. Thompson would grab the opportunity to disseminate the actions of child welfare
Authorities as somewhat salutary to the common good. He is a lawyer, making efforts to gain credence to information fallaciously.
Propoganda For Profit With a lawyer like Mr. Thompson and the wannabe's he teaches at Dalhousie, the more babes and children "in need of protection" the more money the lawyers make.
According to my research and studies, which were done in part at the same university where Mr. Thompson teaches/indoctrinates there are over twice as many child protection cases by the Children's Aid Society of Halifax and the Department of Community Services than there are in Toronto- frightening when you compare populations.
Mr. Thompson may be correct in that the "Halifax stand off" is so unique, however what he fails to state is that the activity by the [police and child welfare workers, breaking into the homes like sneaking thives in the night is not unusual. It is increasingly occurring throughout Canada and more particularly in the Atlantic provinces.
Look at the statistics-increasing infertility, decreasing birth rates but unconsenting and undisclosed adoption sales on the rise. The babes/children have to come from somewhere.
I'm surprised, but not really. that Mr. Thompson hasn't more fully explained how and why Canada has moved from the prevention of cruelty to animals to child welfare to "child protection" so that a child doesn't need to be abused, neglected or abandoned before the state will "move in". Today in our progressive society, a lawyer working on behalf of a state agency need only apply to a court to seize a newborn or child on the grounds that she is at possible risk of a future event- what that event is, no one knows. In fact a court order is not necessary to apprehend a child. The child can be taken and never to see it's parents again.
Mr. Thompson is almost quite right when suggesting, "legislation isn't what drives the system" that it's the "child welfare authorities" driving it. I would add/emphasize that it's the lawyers in the drivers seat-Profiteering on the backs of babes in a multi billion dollar family law system.
I would also suggest closeted facism from 50 years ago, private ownership overtaken by the state forging ahead with it's rendered version of "child welfare" as the underlying reason why today Canada's most precious resource- the child- is endangered.
There is a very good reason why the intellects are leaving Canada, why the population cannot be sustained without scrounging for immigrants.
Other implications are equally disturbing. Take Canada's law on same sex marriages. The waiting list for babes/children to be adopted/purchases has increased drastically. Imagine, come to Canada, get married, adopt/buy a baby. What a holiday!
No one is minding the kiddy store. It isn't surprising that Mr. Thompson says there hasn't been a demand for massive changes in child welfare laws in Nova Scotia. One third of the population doesn’t know what’s going on, a third knows but can't do anything about it, and the other third either knows but doesn't care or knows but isn't making a stink because they're too busy making rich. Ask Rolllie Thompson.
Ask Rollie Thompson how much a lawyer makes through these adoption sales, through the child protection process. He says the law stipulates that details of cases be kept confidential. In the protection of the child!! Fat chance!
It’s the systematic abuse, psychological and emotional rape, it's exploitation of children and families. Any decent parent or taxpayer would be outraged to know what state authorities and lawyers are doing to the Canadian family.
I didn't think I could cry anymore. I'm a good and loving mother who has lost four beautiful children to a corrupt family law business and I've heard countless testimonies and read hundreds of cases.but the story a fellow prisoner shared with me the other day sent me to my cell in tears.
She'd been walking down the street, pregnant. The cops pick her up, tell her there's a warrant for her arrest, take her to the hospital, where she's induced and children's aid are there to take her new born. Police release her and she never sees her baby again.
NO one is going to tell me it was just a coincidence. Sgt.Lindsy Hernden, Halifax cop dressed in SWAT fatigues- using a battering ram to break in my mother-in-laws door, the son of Ruth Hernden- CAS worker who participated in initial meetings relating to the apprehension of my baby,Mona Clare, Also the one who participated in the decision to move in for permanent custody.
Mona Clare never stood a chance.
And no one is going to tell me Debra Smith, who made the apprehension order to seize my baby was promoted to Associate Chief Justice because of her judicial integrity.
My baby was stolen and I want her back.
(signed May 23, 2005)
Carline Vandenelsen